New Site

We're making a change to the way that we release work for our classes. The main lessons (the things that we'll do in class each day) will now be found at the site "Optimal Beneficial Moreover Detrimental: Classroom." We're keeping this site, with a slightly different name, in order to release a reading a day for students to practice their reading at home. Each post will contain a link to a reading, along with a list of assignments that can be completed for that reading.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

4.3. "Cub Pilot on the Mississippi"

"A Cub Pilot on the Mississippi" by Mark Twain, from Life on the Mississippi

Question about Our Unit Theme:

Mark Twain always stated that he learned a great deal about life from his time spent on riverboats, and that that learning helped him as a writer.

  • What do you think he learned as a result of his experience with the cruel captain that helped him write?
  • Do you think that he could have learned this lesson in a more formal way, e.g. through reading or school?

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