New Site

We're making a change to the way that we release work for our classes. The main lessons (the things that we'll do in class each day) will now be found at the site "Optimal Beneficial Moreover Detrimental: Classroom." We're keeping this site, with a slightly different name, in order to release a reading a day for students to practice their reading at home. Each post will contain a link to a reading, along with a list of assignments that can be completed for that reading.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

W10. Written Argument Prompt: "For Whom Would You Have Voted?"

The students here always get into the Presidential election, and it's nice to hear the kind of (sometimes heated) discourse in our classrooms. So, I figured that it made sense to write a piece on which candidate each of us would have voted for, had we attained our majority of eighteen.

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