New Site

We're making a change to the way that we release work for our classes. The main lessons (the things that we'll do in class each day) will now be found at the site "Optimal Beneficial Moreover Detrimental: Classroom." We're keeping this site, with a slightly different name, in order to release a reading a day for students to practice their reading at home. Each post will contain a link to a reading, along with a list of assignments that can be completed for that reading.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

13.2. Determining Word Meaning in Context RI4.

Read this for homework, choose five words, and input them into your spreadsheet. Then, send me an email telling me that you are done.

Note: You don't have to do the Author Purpose or the Central Idea Statements tonight. I want to grade the classwork first. I'll tell you if you have your expert check or not tomorrow, and I may ask you for these statements tomorrow in class.

Remember, though, now that we've gone over the Three Boxes technique, that you HAVE TO understand the article to make a good context guess. Start reading the article and let the Tier Two words emerge naturally.

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