New Site

We're making a change to the way that we release work for our classes. The main lessons (the things that we'll do in class each day) will now be found at the site "Optimal Beneficial Moreover Detrimental: Classroom." We're keeping this site, with a slightly different name, in order to release a reading a day for students to practice their reading at home. Each post will contain a link to a reading, along with a list of assignments that can be completed for that reading.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

14.0. The Comma Loves the Word L2.a.

Today's comma punctuation tip is that the comma and the period both love the word, cannot be separated from the word.

So, if you try to write the sentence

Until I watched "Thor", I had no idea how boring a superhero movie could be.

The comma will twitch and writhe and moan - it's separated from the word that it so loves by the wall of the quotation mark. The comma will vault over the wall in order to be with the word that it loves so much . . .

Until I watched "Thor," I had no idea how boring a superhero movie could be.

The comma always goes inside the quotation marks, even when it seems like logic would put it outside. Putting it outside is sometimes a smart mistake, but it's always a mistake.

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